“Over a month ago I won A $500 Pinterest ad with the amazing @theshopshopco and Danielle turned my whole @pinterest life upside down in the most amazing way. I’m still digesting the analytics of it all but I am blown away with the results.
When I say getting a “Professional” is worth it, this is what I mean. She did things I just don’t know how, her experts got me downloads, new email sign ups and if I keep this momentum CONVERTED clients.
In Q4 I’m bring back my blog that does very well on Pinterest and all the Freebies.
Whats your marketing strategy for Q4? And do you think you need a Danielle on your team?👀
Thank you @theshopshopco and I’ll most definitely be on the look out for the next giveaway, and scheduling a call to se how we can keep this going.” @financialfancycfo

On August 1, we awarded Charese at Financial Fancy $500 in Pinterest Advertising as the winner of our giveaway. The winner’s package includes one Pinterest campaign with $500 ad spend. The campaign will be set up, monitored, and paid for by The Shop Shop.

Although it was a giveaway, we ran this campaign the same way we would any client. To begin, we set a meeting with the client to find out more about her long-term goals for the account. We wanted to set her up for success during the campaign and after.

Charese explained that she was most interested in building an audience for her free downloads and newsletter. So, we opted to do a consideration campaign. Consideration campaigns are partway through the funnel between awareness campaigns and conversion campaigns.

For the ads, we decided to use pins that were already in her account for her freebies and newsletter. They were branded assets that we knew could get more exposure through a campaign. We set up the targeting for the campaign, added the $500-lifetime budget, and got it ready to launch. We also created a “site visitors” audience for retargeting that the client can use after the campaign ends. The campaign launched on September 3rd

September 11, 2024

The campaign was structured into two ad groups, one for newsletter sign-ups and one for freebie downloads. Each ad group had several ads. In general, Pinterest ads are in “learning mode” for 2 weeks. Prior to that, you can start small optimizations. In this case, we opted to pause the lowest-performing ads after 1 week. We also looked through the remaining ads and made adjustments to boost their performance.


September 20, 2024

At this point, the campaign was starting to come out of learning mode. We paused the lowest-performing ads which redistributed the budget. Seeing that the “Chart of Accounts” message was doing best, we created 2 new ads that focused on that.


September 27, 2024

At this point, the campaign is running smoothly with one of the recently added “Chart of Accounts” ads being the top ad (outbound clicks).

The Wrap Up

The campaign completed at the end of the month with 644 outbound clicks. The campaign spiked in impressions, engagements, outbound clicks, total audience, and engaged audience compared to the month prior. It focused on organic pins utilizing content with quotes, freebie downloads, tips, holidays, and resources. The brand gained more than double the exposure it previously had. Financial Fancy’s pins appeared in more viewer’s Pinterest feeds and search results. 

We closed out the campaign with a 15-page report detailing future opportunities for her Pinterest account and other campaigns.

Congrats again to Financial Fancy for winning!

Thinking About Running a Pinterest Campaign?

Stop fighting the algorithm and grow on a platform that works with shops— not against them.

  • New Customers
  • More Sales
  • Less Posting
  • Longer Content Life

If you’re thinking about running a campaign, we’d love to talk to you.

Our 90-day package includes:

  • $500 Lifetime Ad Spend
  • Campaign Setup, Research & Ads
  • Weekly Optimization & Client Updates
  • One-time campaign report

Schedule a FREE Consultation Meeting today!

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