Email Marketing

How to Get More from Your Marketing Team

There's a reason why The Shop Shop is built around weekly emails and regular, scheduled meetings. Projects don’t stall on their own. They fall into the abyss because of communication issues, personnel problems, or process barriers. Below are the most common areas that project managers need to address. How to Get More from Your Marketing Team Whether you have an internal marketing team or work with an agency, optimizing their performance can significantly impact your bottom line. However, it's not uncommon for marketing projects to face roadblocks.  Common Issues that Stall Marketing Projects Lack of Clear Objectives Without well-defined goals, marketing [...]

The Pros and Cons of Launching an eNewsletter for Your eStore

Maintaining a strong connection with your audience is crucial for any eStore. One effective way to achieve this is by launching an eNewsletter. However, like any marketing strategy, it comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. Let's explore the pros and cons of launching an eNewsletter for your eStore. Pros of Launching an eNewsletter 1. Direct Communication Benefit: An eNewsletter allows you to communicate directly with your customers. Unlike social media platforms where algorithms can limit visibility, eNewsletters are delivered straight to subscribers' inboxes, ensuring your message is seen by your intended audience. 2. Cost-Effective Marketing Benefit: Compared [...]

Want to Improve your Email Marketing Open Rate? Think of Yourself as an Uninvited Guest.

How is the open rate on your emails? The click-throughs? Improve your email marketing open rate with a different approach. You have to realize that you want to be welcomed into their inbox, like an uninvited guest. You’re Unwelcome If you are going to burst into someone’s inbox, you must give them a reason to let you stay. Otherwise, that “delete,” “spam,” or “unsubscribe” button annihilates your message. Building great emails… Starts with an updated, edited distribution list Includes a worthwhile offer Capitalizes on the first click immediately Prepares for data collection to inform future communication Consider every marketing email [...]

14 Eye-catching Words for Your Next Sales Promotion

One of my pet peeves in the client review process is when someone does an informal survey. Essentially, the client takes a sales promotion and passes it around their office (or sends it to their spouse or their mom) looking for feedback. Methodology aside, this really only works when the reviewers have the same point-of-view as your target audience. Otherwise, you’re just taking a poll of random opinions over drafting marketing materials with intention. They weren't a focus group. They're just people giving their thoughts without any stake in the success of the project. You Are Not Your Customer Sometimes [...]

Online Store Insights from Birchbox’s Founder Katia Beauchamp

As everyone in retail knows, it's harder to find a first-time customer than get a repeat purchase. So, how did Birchbox approach this? Get their subscribers to pay for high-quality samples then, shop their site for the full-size items. What is Birchbox? One first of its kind, Birchbox is an online monthly subscription service for beauty in skincare. They send subscribers a box of up to five samples of makeup and other beauty-related products. Birchbox doesn’t pay for the samples it includes. Instead, it works with several dozen brand partners, like bareMinerals, Stilla and Kiehls, to stock the boxes and [...]

You Started a Shopify eStore. Now What?

If you just created a Shopify eStore, it can feel like you have a million things on your to-do list. This article tells you how to start promoting your Shopify eStore after you launch it. Who Are You? In this scenario, you are just starting with a Shopify store. Maybe you are an artist or maker. Perhaps you dream of owning a brick-and-mortar store one day. You might be working another job to support yourself while the store gets off the ground — and you don't want to take out a loan to build this business. You Started a Shopify [...]

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